Dr Emily HughesReflexology

Payment methods

Payment can be made with cash, cheque, or by BACs bank transfer in advance.


Traditional reflexology on the feet or hands:
£50 for the first treatment (includes initial consultation)
£45 for subsequent treatments (75 minute appointment)

Reflexology on the feet or hands, covering reflexes for the whole body, plus special attention to any areas we have discussed in the consultation. The initial consultation goes through your medical history and general lifestyle. Subsequent treatments include time for a short consultation at the start.

Reflexology Lymph Drainage:
£50 for the first treatment (includes initial consultation)
£45 for subsequent treatments (75 minute appointment)

Facial reflexology Bergman Method
£50 for the first treatment (includes initial consultation)
£45 for subsequent treatments (60 minute appointment)

Treatments begin with a cleanse and hot towel, followed by facial reflexology, covering reflexes for the whole body, plus special attention paid to specific reflex points, as discussed in consultation. I use organic facial products and oils, such as Neal's yard. The initial consultation goes through your medical history and general lifestyle. Subsequent treatments include time for a short consultation at the start.

Luxury Face and Feet combination
£55: Combine Facial and Feet reflexology for an extra long and relaxing treatment (90 minute appointment; add an extra £5 if it is your first appointment for an initial consultation).

Menopausal Reflexology on the Face, Hands, and Feet
£65: A specialist treatment, paying extra attention to points related to the endocrine glands. This relaxing and balancing treatment starts with a hot-towel cleanse and facial reflexology, then moves to the hands and the feet (100 minute appointment; add an extra £5 if it is your first appointment for an initial consultation).

Menopause Reflexology variations
£45: Feet or Facial Reflexology with a menopause focus (£50 first appointment)
£55: Choose two parts of the menopause treatment (e.g., Face and Hands, or Face and Feet; £60 first appointment).

£65: Treat yourself to Menopause Facial Reflexology followed by Face Lift Massage (Bergman method Zone Face Lift Massage). 90 minute appointment (add an extra £5 if it is your first appointment for an initial consultation).

Reflexology for children (up to 16 years):
£35 includes initial consultation and up to 30 minutes treatment, with suggestions for points that the parent or carer can work on between treatments. Please note that a parent or carer has to remain with children aged 16 and under during the appointment.

Prices. Room couch

Cancellation Policy

I understand that emergenices and illnesses occur and you may need to cancel your appointment. I would appreciate 24 hours notice so that I am able to offer the appointment time to another client. I reserve the right to charge £20 for missed appointments with less than 24 hours notice. Likewise, if I need to change an appointment, due to an emergency or illness, I will endeavour to give at least 24 hours notice. In cases of repeated cancellations I may suggest that clients wait until they are ready to commit to regular sessions before rebooking, or ask for payment in advance, which would be non-refundable.


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